Hello there, anyone who reads this. I'm here because i just camed back to this site. Hmmm well not that dramatic because i still visiting this site. Ive really not coded, drawed or writed like in other times. I have a story that i really wanna finish but i don't wanna touch it until i definitively come back to art n stuff.
Well, after school finished i just started to write a lot a novel that i leaved after some time. Now i'm chilling un the resting time of holidays. Focusing on osu, doing a puzzle (When i finish it i will post it heheh)learning slowly japanese, playing chess and basically resting (๑•﹏•) oh and im FULL LEAVING OSU IN MARCHHH (To regulate me more) then i will get back to ir, more controlled. I Will link My lichess and osu profile heh. Goodbye, chao y さようなら el mejor país de chile, colo colo mi droga favorita